International Expert Summit for Combatting Neglected Tropical Diseases –

Alliances and Strategies

Berlin. February 21, 2018 – Over 60 representatives from international organizations and networks combatting neglected tropical diseases, as well as members of the German and British parliaments met for a parliamentary breakfast. Sponsored by German delegate Dr. Georg Kippels MP, the attendees discussed the current status of, and the upcoming challenges facing the battle against neglected tropical diseases. Nigerian health expert Dr. Joseph Chukwu German of the Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association DAHW described the challenges in Nigeria. He pointed out that many pharmaceutical companies already provided medication for neglected tropical diseases free of charge. But since medicines were not considered a service, there was more to be done in terms of their distribution. Jeremy Lefroy, member of the British parliament, explained the initiative by British representatives who joined forces across party lines to better support the fight against neglected tropical diseases. He invited his German colleagues to England for an exchange.

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