Berlin, July 10, 2020. In a statement on the German EU-Council-Presidency and neglected tropical diseases, the DNTDs welcomes the fact that the German government wants to use the presidency to build on the priorities of its last G7 and G20 presidencies by prominently putting Global Health on the agenda. However, DNTDs also warns to focus only on infections and pandemic prevention caused by the COVID-19 experiences, and demands to help poor countries to build up resilient health systems. . In particular, the so-called "One Health" concept should come more into focus. The DNTDs also calls for more attention in the EU for the implementation of the new WHO roadmap against neglected tropical diseases. There also are forecasts that climate change will increase neglected tropical diseases, which are transmitted by mosquitoes, flies and worms. They increasingly will spread in Southeast Europe. The German Network is committed to ensuring that the fight against NTDs is reflected more strongly in the programs of German and European politics. The statement was sent to Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and to the EU President Dr. Ursula von der Leyen.